The Treasurer's Office is here to assist delinquent taxpayers with fulfilling their property tax obligation to avoid foreclosure. When facing foreclosure, you can choose to keep your property, sell your property, or allow the foreclosure to proceed. What you can do depends on where you are in the foreclosure timeline and if you have recovered from your financial hardship. Letting a foreclosure happen should be a decision about what is the best possible outcome for you and your family in your current situation. YOU CANNOT GET YOUR PROPERTY BACK AFTER IT HAS BEEN FORECLOSED!
Please, take time to look at our property tax assistance programs page for some programs that may be able to help you. Your Mortgage Company or financial institution may have additional options/programs to assist you as well.
Tuscola County partners with Title Check to assist with the sale of Foreclosed properties. To view the current available properties please visit
Ashley Bennett - Treasurer
Pay Current or Delinquent Taxes
Fetch Property Tax Query
PRE Denials
Purchase A Dog License
Dog License Requirements & Fees
Dog License Application
Dog License Map
8 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. M-F
125 W Lincoln St
Caro, MI 48723
Land Division Tax Payment Certification Form
Form 5743 - Notice of Intention to Claim If you need assistance filling out the form you should contact the State Bar. Their website can be reached by clicking HERE.
Form 6156 - Notice of Intention to Claim Applicable for sales occurring prior to 12/22/2020. If you need assistance filling out the form you should contact the State Bar. Their website can be reached by clicking HERE.