Treatment Courts - Tuscola County


Purpose of Treatment Courts

The purpose is to reduce recidivism and substance abuse among nonviolent, drug addicted, chronic criminal offenders. Stated another way by the National Association of Drug Court Professionals, drug courts are, “...A sentencing alternative that provides life-saving treatment to people living with serious addiction and mental health conditions.”

Key Facts about Treatment Courts

  • -A treatment court involves a collaborative effort in which judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, law enforcement, probation agents and treatment providers work together as a team.
  • -Treatment courts save money by keeping offenders out of incarceration and assisting them to become functional members of the community.
  • -Currently there are over 2,300 Treatment Courts in all 50 States.
  • -Treatment Court programs are based upon evidence gathered over the past 20 years from courts all over the country.
  • -Research based evidence reveals that Treatment courts are most successful when they are based upon established principles.

Thumb Regional Sobriety Court

The Thumb Regional Sobriety Court is a cooperative, interjurisdictional program between the 54th, 52nd, and 24th Judicial Circuit Courts, as well as the 71-B, 73-B, and 73-A Judicial District Courts, with the 54th Circuit serving as the coordinating court for the program. Its mission is to improve public safety in Tuscola, Huron and Sanilac counties by organizing an intensive intervention in the lives of repeat drunken or drugged driving offenders. Intensive court supervision, combined with mandatory treatment, provides a proactive response to the problem of driving while under the influence. This reduces recidivism while minimizing incarceration time, therefore reducing jail expenses to the communities. It also is an opportunity to positively impact lives of offenders and their families, encouraging personal responsibility towards being a law abiding productive and substance free citizen.

If you are interested in learning more about the program, please consult our manual. If you have further questions, please contact:

Heather Walther
Case Manager
Thumb Regional Sobriety Court
440 N. State St.
Caro, MI 48723
Tel: 989-672-3888
Fax: 989-672-1895
Thumb Regional Sobriety Court Program Manual
Thumb Regional Sobriety Court Referral Form

Tuscola Mental Health Court

The mission of the Tuscola Mental Health Court (TMHC) is to enhance public safety and reduce recidivism of criminal defendants who suffer from serious mental illness by connecting these defendants with Mental Health treatment services, and to connect them with appropriate community services to get back on track. The TMHC is intensive supervision combined with treatment and will assist offenders in achieving long-term stability, become law-abiding citizens, and become successful in their communities, therefore reducing recidivism and jail expenses to the community. The TMHC holds defendants accountable and assists offenders to achieve long term stability, become law abiding citizens, and become successful family/community members.

For more information please contact:

Kaileigh Melnik
Case Manager
Tuscola Mental Health Court
440 N. State St.
Caro, MI 48723
Tel: (989) 672-1296
Fax: (989) 672-1895
The Defense Attorneys Guide to Mental Health Court
TMHC Policy and Procedure Manual
Tuscola Mental Health Court Referral Form

Thumb Regional Recovery Court

For more information please contact:

Erica Steadman
Case Coordinator
Thumb Regional Recovery Court
Office: 989-551-6564
Fax: 989-269-0005
Tuscola County