Circuit Court - Tuscola County


The Circuit Court is a court of general jurisdiction established by the Michigan Constitution, and hears all cases that are not assigned to another court. The most common types of cases to come before the circuit court are felony criminal matters and civil actions where the amount at issue is over $25,000. The Circuit Court is served by the Hon. Amy Grace Gierhart.

Circuit Court Staff

The Circuit Court also has a Family Division.

Hon. Amy Grace Gierhart

Make a Payment

If you would like to make a payment, click the link below.

Click here to make a payment.


Click the link below to view the list of printable forms commonly used in our courts.This list is not exhaustive, and you are encouraged to review the State Court Administrative Office’s (SCAO) website for additional forms in certain specific circumstances. For forms prepared by the SCAO, we have listed the SCAO’s code for that form to assist in locating the form you need. Other forms on this page have been developed locally by us.

Click HERE to view common forms.

FAQ Page

Click HERE to view our FAQ page.

Case Evaluation

Case Evaluation is governed by MCR 2.403 and MCR 2.404.

Circuit Court Case Evaluation is an alternative dispute resolution process that requires civil cases seeking money damages to be evaluated by a panel of three experienced attorneys. The panel will review written and oral presentations to determine the monetary value of each case. The parties will have 28 days to either accept or reject the recommendation of the case evaluators. Once the 28 days has elapsed all cases that rejected the settlement proposed by the evaluators will proceed to trial. The cases accepting the settlement proposed by the evaluators will be scheduled for a settlement conference to finalize the case.


Fees are $25.00 per evaluator. Checks should be made directly payable to each evaluator and forwarded to the ADR Clerk within 14 days of receiving the Notice for Case Evaluation.

All parties must pay the case evaluation fee regardless of whether or not their case has been adjourned, dismissed, or settled. The only exception to this policy is if the adjournment, dismissal, or settlement has been submitted to the Judge within the first 14-day period.


Case Evaluation briefs are to be submitted to the ADR Clerk no later than 14 days before your case evaluation date. Parties will be assessed a late fee in the amount of $150.00 if briefs are not received timely. Late briefs shall be submitted directly to the evaluators. The $150.00 late fee shall be forwarded to the ADR Clerk as follows: three separate checks in the amount of $50.00 made payable to each of the evaluators.

ADR/Case Evaluation Contact Information

  • 54th Judicial Circuit Court
  • Attn: Nicole Friday, ADR Clerk
  • 440 N. State St.
  • Caro, MI 48723
  • 989) 673-3330

Thumb Regional Sobriety Court

For questions, please contact:

  • Heather Walther
  • Case Manager
  • Thumb Regional Sobriety Court
  • 440 N. State St.
  • Caro, MI 48723
  • Tel: 989-672-3888
  • Fax: 989-672-1895
  • Email:

Thumb Regional Sobriety Court Referral Form

Tuscola Mental Health Court

The Tuscola Mental Health Court is a treatment program that works with both Mental Health and Judicial aspects. Tuscola Mental Health Court is operational under the 54th Circuit Court and we also accept cases in both the 54th Circuit Court and the 71B District Court. The mission of the Tuscola Mental Health Court (TMHC) is to enhance public safety and reduce recidivism of criminal defendants who suffer from serious mental illness by connecting these defendants with Mental Health treatment services, and to connect them with appropriate community services to get back on track. The TMHC is intensive supervision combined with treatment and will assist offenders in achieving long-term stability, become law-abiding citizens, and become successful in their communities, therefore reducing recidivism and jail expenses to the community.

For further questions, please contact:

Olivia Chapin
Case Manager
Tuscola Mental Health Court
440 N. State St.
Caro, MI 48723
Tel: (989) 672-3811
Fax: (989) 672-1895

Tuscola Mental Health Court Referral Form

Contact Us

Circuit Court

Phone: 989-673-3330

Adult Probation

Phone: 989-672-3760
Fax: 989-672-3765

These numbers are for any circuit court matters outside of the family division. For questions regarding circuit court records, please call the County Clerk at 989-672-3775.

Circuit Court Staff

Tuscola County