You can obtain your property tax balance by submitting a request via email or mail, giving us a call, or stopping in to see us at our office.
You can make a payment several different ways:
Tuscola County Treasurer
125 W. Lincoln St.
Caro, MI 48723
If you feel the amount you are being billed is incorrect, please contact your township assessor for an explanation of charges and information on how to appeal. Find your township assessor HERE.
If you need information or help applying for a PRE, Veteran or Poverty Exemption please contact your township assessor. Find your township assessor HERE.
A copy of a delinquent tax bill or receipt may be obtained by mailing your request to our office. Please include parcel number, and property address in your request. Copies are $1.00 per page. Mail your request and payment to:
Tuscola County Treasurer
125 W. Lincoln St.
Caro, MI 48723
Additional options would be using our drop box or coming in and visiting us at our office.
We do not fax or email information.
Payments received via mail or made online usually post within two business days.
Our website is updated at the end of every business day. If you notice that your payment is still not posted after two business days, please email our office at or call our office at (989) 672-3890 during normal business hours.
Forfeiture is not foreclosure. If your property is in forfeiture, you still have time before it will be foreclosed. A minimum of $175 title search fee is added, plus recording fee. The interest rate increase to 18% (1.5 per month) retroactive to when the taxes first become delinquent.
After the property has been in forfeiture for one year, it will be foreclosed and the ability to redeem the property expires. Owner’s interest and all liens are removed from the property and the property will be prepared for auction sale.
Foreclosed properties that are available for auction are listed at the link below:
This information is usually available at the beginning of August for the auctions that take place in August and October for our County.
To obtain a dog license you will need:
Not Spayed/Neutered
Service Dog no charge with proper documentation
Dog licenses must be purchased within 30 days of the expiration of the current license, of the date of adoption, or from when the dog was deemed medically of age to receive the vaccination by its veterinarian. Licenses purchased after that 30 day window will only be eligible for one year and will be charged at the delinquent rate of $70.00.