Drain Commissioner - Tuscola County

Tuscola County Drain Commissioner

Please contact the Drain Commissioner's office if you are building a home within 500 feet of an inland lake, stream or drain for the proper Right of Way width, which currently exists on all county drains. We all welcome the chance to serve you.

The Drain Commissioner is responsible for all established drains for storm water runoff, drainage and water quality according to the Michigan Drain Code, Act 40 of 1956 as amended. The Drain Commissioner is responsible for legal proceedings and hearings for open or closed channels, dams, dikes, levies, water and sewer projects, lake level control structures, pumping stations, and for the implementation of the Soil Erosion and Inland Lakes and Streams Acts. The Drain Commissioner requires that the proper size culverts are placed within the drain and that no obstructions will impede the flow of the channel. The Drain Commissioner has jurisdiction and responsibility over inter-county drains (drain into more than one county, or where the watershed boundary is in more than one county). The Drain Commissioner is required to keep in his/her office, a full financial statement of each drainage district, and complete record of such proceedings and legal documents as follows:

  • Application for laying out and designing a drainage district
  • A petition for construction of such a drain
  • The minutes of survey (route and course)
  • Releases of right of way
  • Order of determination of necessity
  • First and final order of determination
  • Contracts
  • Computation of cost
  • Apportion of benefits
  • Calculates the assessment of rolls for all drain work

Each drainage district or watershed is a separate infrastructure, with the Drain Commissioner having applied for and received numerous grant monies for various projects, which total well over $1,000,000 to date that would otherwise not have been received.

2021 Annual Drain Assessment

2022 Annual Drain Assessment

2023 Annual Drain Assessment

2024 Annual Drain Assessment


The Importance of Michigan’s Drain Commissioners

Click the play button to view a short video on Michigan's Drain Commissioners and the important roles they play.


Phone: 989-672-3820

Fax: 989-673-3497

Emergencies: 989-553-3824

E-Mail: drain-commissioner@tuscolacounty.org

Address: 125 W. Lincoln St., Caro, MI 48723


Dara Hood - Drain Commissioner - Elected November 2024

Alecia Little - Deputy Drain Commissioner

Stephanie Dusute - Account Clerk

Tuscola County