The County Clerk is an elected position, serving a four year term. The Clerk is responsible for issuing and maintaining records of Concealed Pistol Licenses, issuing and maintaining births records, marriage licenses, death records, assumed names, co-partnerships, veteran’s discharges, notary bonds, filings for Circuit Court and Family Court. The Clerk administers all election functions required by law, in addition to tabulating ballots and training all election inspectors within the County.
The Clerk also serves as the Chairperson of the Elections Scheduling Committee, Clerk of the Board of Canvassers, member of the Jury Board, member of the Plat Board, member of the Building Authority, Clerk of Circuit Court, Elections Commission and the Clerk of the County Board of Commissioners.
Jodi Fetting - County Clerk
To apply in Person at the County Clerk's Office
To apply by mail the Michigan State Police
To apply online at
CPL's expire on the applicant's date of birth, and is valid not less than four years but no more than five years from date of issuance.
Someone doing business in a name other that their own is required to file a DBA/Co-Partnership Partnership in the County in which they are doing business. Documents filed at the County level are Assumed Names and Co-Partnerships.
Documents filed at the State level are Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Limited Liability Partnerships and Non-Profit Organizations. For further information, please contact Corporation, Securities and Land Development Bureau of the Michigan Department of Consumer and Industry Services at (517) 241-6470 for name availability and appropriate forms.
Frequently Asked Questions:Why do I need to file a DBA (Doing Business as Assumed)?
The law requires that a sole proprietor or co-partners file their business (other than the real name of the person) at the County Clerk’s Office [MCL 445.1]. The law also requires that corporations, limited liability companies and limited partnerships be filed with the State of Michigan. Therefore, corporations shall not be filed with the County Clerk. The purpose of the law is to place on Public Record who is conducting or transacting business under an assumed name.
Can I use any name I want?There are a number of regulations that apply when a company name is chosen. The general rules governing names for Corporations, Non-profit Corporations, Limited Liability Companies and Limited Partnerships only apply to those entities. The Co-Partnership Act and Fictitious Name Act require that the name of a sole proprietorship or Co-Partnership cannot be the same or similar to a name already on file with the county so as not to cause confusion or deception.
What if I do business in the next county?When you file an assumed name as a sole proprietorship or Co-Partnership, you have to file in each county in which you will be doing business.
I filed in this county; what if the next county has a business with the same name, now what do I do?If you find that someone else is using the same name then you need to do some research to find out how long they have been using that name. If they have been in business for a long time, you might want to change your assumed name so there is no confusion to the public. Filing your business name does not create substantive rights to the use of that name.
Can I use a different name in a second county that I am doing business in?If the business is a separate business with a different name, you would file with the actual name you are doing business under. However, if you are doing business with the same name as in the first county you should file with the same name in the second county.
I need a DBA today for my bank, but I have my business incorporated, what should I do?If you are incorporated, the only place you should file an assumed name is with the State of Michigan; the same as your Articles of Incorporation. If you need the name to be filed quickly, you may file using the new electronic filing system, MICH-ELF. The instructions and application for filing electronically can be found on the State of Michigan’s website When using MICH-ELF, your document will be reviewed within 24 hours. The bank should not be advising corporations to file at the county. You might suggest that the bank call the Corporation Division at (517) 241-6470 for verification of this information.
Can I file the business name with the county and state that I am incorporated?No. If you are incorporated the only place you should file an assumed name is with the State, the same as your Articles of Incorporation. Filings at the county level are for sole proprietorships and Co-Partnerships only.
Can I file to do a DBA today and when my attorney has my corporation papers filed can I dissolve the DBA?You can file a Reservation of Corporate Name with the State of Michigan to hold your corporate name. If you are incorporated, the only place you should file is with the State.
If I file a DBA in all 83 counties of Michigan, will that protect my business name?No. Filing your business name does not create substantive rights to the use of that name. This is the same whether it is a Corporate name, Limited Liability Company name, Limited Partnership name, Sole Proprietorship name or Co-Partnership name.
Can I file a DBA if I am less than 18 years old?No. A person who is at least 18 years of age is an adult of legal age for purposes of signing contracts.
Can I be a partner in a DBA if I am less than 18 years old?No. A person who is at least 18 years of age is an adult of legal age for purposes of signing contracts.
Compiled by the Second District of the Michigan Association of County Clerks and the Michigan Department of Consumer & Industry Services.The County Clerk generates and proofreads the ballots for all elections held in Tuscola County. Accurate election results are provided to the State of Michigan. Precinct workers are trained for all elections. The County Clerk directs all recall and recount activities in Tuscola County. There are approximately 42,017 registered voters in the county. For citizens who wish to run for public office, the County Clerk's office distributes nominating petitions and monitors campaign finance reports in compliance with state election laws.
2025-03-03 Tuscola County Election Commission Meeting Notice
2024-09-09 Tuscola County Election Commission Meeting Notice
2024-09-13 Tuscola County Election Commission Meeting Notice
Michigan Voter Registration Form
Several bills recently signed into law by the Govenor have made significant changes to the Michigan Campaign Finance Act. These changes impact the reporting requirements of Candidate Committees and Political Action Committees. In addition to the pre-election, post-election, and annual campaign statements, Candidate Committees and PACs registered on the local level must file two additional quarterly campaign statements in July and October as follows:
Click here for the marriage license application
General RequirementsPrint and mail the following form:
Genealogy is the study of ancestors. At the Tuscola County Clerk's Office one can request a search on family history or family ties through the birth, death, marriage and military documents. The fee for the search is $5.00 per name. The search will only provide if the clerk’s office has the document or not. You may purchase a certified copy of the record to obtain more information. Certified records are $15.00 for the first copy and $5.00 for each additional copy of same record when purchased at the same time.
In Person
By Mail
When submitting written requests, please include the name(s) of the individual(s) and the date of the event. If the date is unknown, please supply an approximate date. Please allow 7 to 10 days for your search to be completed.
Please complete the appropriate form below and include payment (check/money order). The fee is $15.00 for the first certified copy and $5.00 for each additional certified copy of the same record when purchased at the same time. Include a self addressed stamped envelope to mail the copies back to you. There is a search fee of $5.00 per name, therefore if you are not sure there is a record, please include payment in the form of two checks/money orders, one for $5.00 and one for $10.00. If a record is found, we will process both payments. If no record is found, we will process only the payment of $5.00 and return the remaining balance. Please make check/money order payable to Tuscola County Clerk.
Birth Certificates Only - Archived Birth Certificates are available. Anyone may obtain a copy of a birth record more than 100 years old. If the desired record is less than 100 years old and the individual is deceased, an heir may obtain it by providing a copy of the death certificate. If requesting a birth certificate less than 100 years old, a copy of a valid driver's license or other government issued photo ID must be provided. Please note: Birth indexes are not open to the public.
Marriage & Death Certificates – Records are open to the public.
Juror's Application To Be Excused From Jury Service - Click Here
For reporting information, please call 989-672-3770. To submit a request to be excused from jury duty, please email
Search and Copy Requests - In order for the Clerk’s office to complete a search request for a Circuit Court case, either Civil or Criminal, please complete the Search Request Form following the instructions included. Once a case number has been obtained, please complete and mail in the Copy Request Form. Please be sure to include a Self Addressed Stamped envelope so any information found can be returned.
"The law does not permit this court to give legal advice or to assist in the preparation of legal papers. MCL 600.916(1)"
Records civil/criminal - 989-672-3775
As constitutional clerk of the 54th Judicial Circuit Court, this office has various functions and responsibilities. The office provides record-keeping and support services for the courts. All Circuit Court cases are maintained through this office. The files are the official record of the court and are utilized by the judiciary and made available for public inspection. The clerk's office also processes felony criminal cases bound over from the 71B District Court.
Civil cases include all appeals from district court and removal from district court, civil damage suits which include personal injury, auto negligence, medical malpractice and other damage suits. Other civil matters which include business claims, contract and others. Process appeals from other agencies such as Probate Court, MESC and drivers license restoration cases.
Domestic relations which include divorces, paternity and general family matters. Forms are available at the Friend of the Court office at 440 S. State St. Caro, MI 48723.
Personal Protection Orders are also filed in the County Clerk's office. Forms for filing a PPO and assistance in the completion of them can be obtained from Victims Services in the Sheriff's office. (989) 673-8161 ext. 2241
When a veteran is discharged from any branch of the military it is recommended the DD214 papers be filed with the local county clerk's office. These are not for public inspection. There is no fee for this service. At any time the veteran may get certified copies of his/her DD214 free of charge.
A Notary Public's job is to certify that the person(s) signing a document in front of him/her has produced the proper legal identification proving that they are said person.
Application Requirements and ProcedurePlease note - you may not act as a notary public until the Secretary of State sends you your commission.
Tuscola County Clerk (Vital Records) does not accept credit cards for online orders; however, for your convenience, you can process online requests through an independent company that we have partnered with to provide you this service; VitalChek Network, Inc. VitalChek can be reached either through its website, or by phone at 1-800-255-2414. An additional fee is charged by VitalChek for using this service, and all major credit cards are accepted, including American Express®, Discover®, MasterCard® or Visa®.
One of the parties must reside in Tuscola County. If both parties are non-residents of Michigan, they must apply in the county in which the marriage is to be performed. One of the parties must apply in person.
Eighteen is the legal age for marrying without parental consent or 16 with parental consent. Parents, or the custodial parent decreed by divorce, must accompany 16 or 17 year old applicants. These applicants must provide a certified copy of their birth certificate; parental identification is also required.
The fee is $20 if one or both parties are Michigan residents or $30 if both parties are out-of-state residents. Applicants may pay by cash, personal check, money order or debit/credit card.
A three-day waiting period is required after applying before the license may be issued and used. A marriage license is void unless the marriage is performed within 33 days from the date of the application. This license may be used only in Michigan.
Marriage certificates are filed in the county where the marriage occured. A marriage certificate can be obtained for a married that occured in Tuscola County. If you mail your search request, please allow 7-10 days for processing.
Click here for the marriage certificate search request form
Click here for the marriage certificate verification form
Requests must be for persons born in Tuscola County.
Birth records are closed to the public. You can only obtain a birth certificate for yourself, your child, or if you are a descendant or heir of the deceased.
Individuals may appear in person or send a written request to obtain copies. If you appear in person, picture identification is required and copies will be made while you wait. If you mail your request, allow 7-10 days for processing. Please provide your full name, date of birth, city of birth, father’s full name, mother’s full name including maiden name, phone number, a photo copy of your drivers license, and your full legal signature notarized.
Click here for the birth certificate search request form Click here for the birth certificate verification formDeath certificates are filed in the county where the death occurred. A death certificate can be obtained for anyone who died in Tuscola County. If you mail your request allow 7-10 days for processing. Please provide date of death and full name of deceased.
Click here for the death certificate search request form Click here for the birth certificate verification formThe fee is $15.00 for one certified copy and $5.00 for each additional copy of the same certificate purchased at the same time. The fee for senior citizens requesting their own birth record is $14.00 for the first copy and $5.00 for each additional copy.
Please send a money order and a self addressed, stamped envelope to Tuscola County Clerk when ordering by mail. Cash, money order, personal checks and debit/credit cards are accepted when appearing in person.
Print and mail the following form:
Only the mother, father, legal guardian, or the individual named on the certificate may order/receive a copy of the birth certificate. Legal Guardian must show guardianship papers. (MCL 333.2882)
Anyone may obtain a copy of a birth record more than 100 years old. If the desired record is less than 100 years old, and the individual is deceased, an heir may obtain it by providing a death certificate and documents to prove heir's relationship.
In Person
The fee for a certified copy of a birth certificate is $15.00 for the first copy and $5.00 for each additional copy of the same record when purchased at the same time.
A valid driver's license or other government issued photo ID must be provided. Only the mother, father, legal guardian, or the individual named on the certificate may receive a copy if the birth certificate is less than 100 years old.
Mail-InThe fee for a certified copy of a birth certificate is $15.00 for the first copy and $5.00 for each additional copy of the same record when purchased at the same time.
Only the mother, father, legal guardian, or the individual named on the certificate may order/receive a copy if the birth certificate is less than 100 years old.
Please complete form and include a copy of photo identification, (drivers license/State ID), and include payment (check/money order). Your signature must be notarized on the request form. The fee is $15.00 for the first certified copy and $5.00 for each additional certified copy purchased at the same time. Include a self addressed stamped envelope to mail the copies back to you. There is a search fee of $5.00 per name, therefore if you are not sure there is a record, please include payment in the form of two checks/money orders, one for $5.00 and one for $10.00. If a record is found, we will process both payments. If no record is found, we will process only the payment of $5.00 and return the remaining balance. Please make check/money order payable to Tuscola County Clerk.
Print and Mail the following form:
Anyone can purchase a death certificate as long as they have the name of the person at the time of death and the date of death.
In Person
Death records can be purchased at the Tuscola County Clerk's office. The charge for a certified copy is $15.00 for the first copy and $5.00 for each additional copy of the same record purchased at the same time.
By Mail
The fee for a certified copy of a death certificate is $15.00 for the first copy and $5.00 for each additional copy of the same record when purchased at the same time.
Please complete the form and include payment (check/money order). The fee is $15.00 for the first certified copy and $5.00 for each additional certified copy purchased at the same time. Include a self addressed stamped envelope to mail the copies back to you. There is a search fee of $5.00 per name, therefore if you are not sure there is a record, please include payment in the form of two checks/money orders, one for $5.00 and one for $10.00. If a record is found, we will process both payments. If no record is found, we will process only the payment of $5.00 and return the remaining balance. Please make check/money order payable to Tuscola County Clerk.
Print and mail the following form:
Marriage records are public, anyone may purchase a copy of a marriage license.
In Person
Marriage records can be purchased at the Tuscola County Clerk's office. The charge for a certified copy is $15.00 for the first copy and $5.00 for each additional copy of the same record when purchased at the same time.
By Mail
The fee for a certified copy of a marriage record is $15.00 for the first copy and $5.00 for each additional copy of the same record when purchased at the same time.
Please complete the form and include payment (check/money order). The fee is $15.00 for the first certified copy and $5.00 for each additional certified copy purchased at the same time. Include a self addressed stamped envelope to mail the copies back to you. There is a search fee of $5.00 per name, therefore if you are not sure there is a record, please include payment in the form of two checks/money orders, one for $5.00 and one for $10.00. If a record is found, we will process both payments. If no record is found, we will process only the payment of $5.00 and return the remaining balance. Please make check/money order payable to Tuscola County Clerk.
Check HERE to find out if you are registered and also where you can cast your vote.
Election results and sample ballots are posted HERE.
How-to-Vote in Michigan Series
Learn the basics about how to vote on election day for first-time voters in the State of Michigan.
8:00 a.m - Noon and 1:00 p.m - 4:30 p.m
Monday through Friday
excluding holidays
440 N State St
Caro, MI 48723