Sheriff's Office Staff and Extensions

Tuscola County Sheriff's Office phone number is 989-673-8161.
Tuscola County Sheriff's Office fax number is 989-673-8164.
Tuscola County Central Dispatch phone number is 989-673-8738.
These numbers are for non-emergencies, use 911 to call for emergencies.
If you would like to reach a member of the Sheriff's Office dial 989-673-8161 followed by their extension number.

Administrative Staff
Undersheriff Robert Baxter2225
Adminstrative Assistant - Shannon Beach2226
Uniform Division Supervisor
Lieutenant Ted Hull2227
Corrections Division Supervisor / Jail Administrator
Lieutenant Brian Harris2228
Uniform Division Sergeants
Detective Sergeant Justin Nitz2233
Detective Sergeant Joshua Herman2234
Sergeant Ryan Robinson2230
Sergeant Jordan Wade2232
Sergeant Ryan LaFlure2229
Sergeant Timothy Zube2231
Uniform Division Deputies
Spencer Coleman4049
Thomas Peterson4015
Chris Whetstone4012
William Webster4020
Kyle Broecker4024
Jonathan Perry4029
Tiffany Reynolds4032
Ryan Woods4034
Caleb Bock4019
Mallory Fini4011
Kile Arp4026
Jack Dudzik4026
Corrections Division Sergeants
Sergeant Dan Lisowski4043
Sergeant Mike Schuman4047
Sergeant Bryan Hemerline2240
Sergeant Rodney Friday4038
Corrections Officers
Joel Angle4017
Miles Breinager4023
Mike Kennedy4019
Kyle Nordstrom4058
Nolan Harrison4021
Jacob Holtsberry4025
Joseph Burl4035
Ryker Maurer4040
Kimberly Craig4036
Daniel Velasco4031
Brooke Bell4022
Adam Callahan4044
David Ott4042
Special Division
Emergency Services Coordinator: Steve Anderson2235
County Weighmaster:Ryan Herford4010
Support Division
Criminal Records: Tricia Sharp2239
Lobby and General Info: Scienna Nieschulz2237
Inmate Records/Billings: Deb Engelhardt2238
Vehicle Maintenance: Dennis Ziemba
Part Time Employees
Louis Foskett4065
Gary Fini
Brian Kocher4030
Marine Division Part Time Employees
Gary Fleming
Kenneth Proctor
Philip Erickson
John Atwell
Kevin Gainforth
Michael Finn